Zion has many opportunities for ministry. Below you can find a list of everything that we offer, both within our church, and within our community.

Outreach Ministries
Zion Lutheran Church has many outreaches in our community including:
- Endowment Funds
- Annual Women of Zion Bazaar
- Lutheran World Relief School Kits
- Zion Parish Nurses Group
- The Prescription Fund
- Funeral Meals
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing
- WZLP Radio
Fellowship Ministries
Zion has many opportunities to fellowship with one another and members of the community, including:
- Recurring Dinners
- Advent Nights
- Hanging of the Greens
- Euchre Nights
- Annual Fall Festival at the 3C

If you are looking to expand your Biblical knowledge or your relationship with Christ, Zion offers many ways to do just that, including:
- Children's Church
- Adult Sunday School
- Weekly Bible Study
- Zion Youth Group
- Zion Kids
- Community Bible School
- Mohican Youth
- National ELCA Youth Gatherings
Zion is very proud of our worship services. We have a wide variety of different services and elements including:
- Sanctus Choir
- Praise Team
- Bluegrass Band
- Lenten and Easter Services
- Christmas Services
- Blessing of the Pets
- Summer Outdoor Services